
Love Design 2012: New Strong Beer

Love Design 2012: New Strong Beer: Listen "Find Fun in SF"----Beer party  http://soundcloud.com/love-design-2012/com635podcast-2 A new look of the Strong beer bottle. An ...

New Strong Beer

Listen "Find Fun in SF"----Beer party 

A new look of the Strong beer bottle. An advertising agency where the designer was working, took part in this tender. He've created a few propositions.

The first image depicts a redisigned Żywiec 6-pack. The idea was to add one additional promo bottle of Strong to the existing 6-pack of Żywiec beer.

The second image depicts a promotional stand in a shape of the beer bottle for a new Strong bottles.

The third image depicts a promotional stand in a shape of the beer bottle with headphones. The idea was to embed a player with promotional speech and music for consuments in a stand.

The proposition of their agency recieved very good recalls and comments from Żywiec Group.

The Olympians----Creative Photography

About The Olympics

Listen "Find Fun in SF"---Olympics game watching party

From 241 participants representing 14 nations in 1896, the Games have grown to about 10,500 competitors from 204 countries at the 2008 Summer Olympics. The scope and scale of the Winter Olympics is smaller. For example, Turin hosted 2,508 athletes from 80 countries competing in 84 events, during the 2006 Winter Olympics. During the Games most athletes and officials are housed in the Olympic village. This village is intended to be a self-contained home for all the Olympic participants. It is furnished with cafeterias, health clinics, and locations for religious expression.
The IOC allowed the formation of National Olympic Committees representing countries that did not meet the strict requirements for political sovereignty that other international organizations demand. As a result, colonies and dependencies are permitted to compete at Olympic Games. Examples of this include territories such as Puerto Rico, Bermuda and Hong Kong, all of which compete as separate nations despite being legally a part of another country.[51] The current version of the Charter does only allow new National Olympic Committees representing “independent State recognised by the international community”. It therefore did not allow the formation of National Olympic Committees for Sint Maarten and Curaçao when they gained the same constitutional status as Aruba in 2010, although it recognized the Aruban Olympic Committee in 1986.

Project by Joanna Kustra
London, united Kingdom
Fashion editorial honoring the 2012 Olympics for Papercut Magazine


The Ice Cream Robot Series

This series of collage paintings where created for a gallery show back in 2009. The artist wanted to explore the theme of "consumption" in a way that would be open for interpretation by the viewer while still having a very deliberate narrative. Since mankind is entirely dependent on the consumption of natural resources in order to both survive and progress, he felt that the tone of the paintings should not be overly negative but should leave room for further meditation on the subject. Like all things in life, this issue is not black or white. It's too easy to just say that something is wrong without really thinking about how they got to where we are in the first place. To help the viewer distance themselves from the obvious reactions that would come from seeing oceans of oil and leveled forests, he chose to use colorful robots and delicious ice cream treats to set the stage for his story. That way the audience can decide for themselves whether they want to see these images as a call for conservation or just a fun picture of a robot enjoying a frozen snack.    

 Click Here ! Listen my Podcast!



Mountain Milk----Brand Design

This is a designer who is from Norway, He loves milk, so he choices to make a packaging design of milk. How would a milk look like if it was exclusive was one of the questions he asked himself. He thinks this is how it should have looked if Norway's biggest milk retailer launched a milk to be sold internationally. 


The Milk Box by MOISSUE is a milk carton-shaped home for cats, but as we mention over on Dog Milk, we think it would be perfect for small dogs.

You can decorate it with stickers or just about anything you want. I actually think my daughter would like one of these, too


His name is CHICHO---funny toy design

Do you like these funny guys? Or you think they look weird?

Designed by Caracas, Venezuela

Foldable Sewing Machine by Richard Burrow

Presented at the London graduate show, New Designers, Foldable Sewing Machine is a minimalist design created by Richard Burrow. As the name implies, Burrow designed the sewing machine’s folding functionality in order to reduce waste and allow for easier mobility and storage.
“Too often we are encouraged to throw away something when it is broken, and replace it with something new. Clothing items are regularly thrown as we believe its often cheaper to replace than repair. When in most cases it isn’t. Sewing Machines are often designed in a similar way, with many being over designed with far too many features. They are also big, and bulky.”
I don’t think I’ve ever even touched a sewing machine before, but with this clever new design, I’m definitely more tempted to give it a go. Traditional sewing machines are incredibly bulky, and equally ugly to match. Burrow went ahead and solved both of those issues in one design. It looks quite simple from the outside, but I’m sure there are some complexities in the internals to make the folding capabilities work. Burrow also wanted to make the machine as simple and straightforward as possible. You have no idea how much I appreciate that in designs these days.